2024-2025 Season Registration ($100 down payment + $4 processing fee)


When Registering with the Wildcats there will be a $100 down payment per family and $4 processing fee. (REGISTRATION WILL BE ADDED TO CART AND WILL NEED TO CHECK OUT FROM CART)

Total Price for levels:

10uG: $215 | 10uB: $215 | 12uG: $240 | 12uB: $240 | 14uG: $355 | 14uB: $355 | 16uG: $575 | 16uB: $575 | 18uG: $795 | 18uB: $795

WHEN FINISHED filling out your information, you will add your registration to the cart and checkout. Don’t forget to purchase some Wildcats merch while you register!

Home address, apt #, city, state and zip code
A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on August 1, of the current school year. For example, a player who is 16 on July 31, with a August 1st birthday, who turns 17 is considered eligible to play in the 16-and-under age group at NCHC events. Players may try out in a higher age group if desired. In Basketball we offer 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, & 18u age groups. Players may play on 2 different levels/teams and would be responsible for paying the cost of the higher level team.
A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on August 1, of the current school year. For example, a player who is 16 on July 31, with a August 1st birthday, who turns 17 is considered eligible to play in the 16-and-under age group at NCHC events. Players may try out in a higher age group if desired. In Basketball we offer 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, & 18u age groups. Players may play on 2 different levels/teams and would be responsible for paying the cost of the higher level team.
A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on August 1, of the current school year. For example, a player who is 16 on July 31, with a August 1st birthday, who turns 17 is considered eligible to play in the 16-and-under age group at NCHC events. Players may try out in a higher age group if desired. In Basketball we offer 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, & 18u age groups. Players may play on 2 different levels/teams and would be responsible for paying the cost of the higher level team.
A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on August 1, of the current school year. For example, a player who is 16 on July 31, with a August 1st birthday, who turns 17 is considered eligible to play in the 16-and-under age group at NCHC events. Players may try out in a higher age group if desired. In Basketball we offer 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, & 18u age groups. Players may play on 2 different levels/teams and would be responsible for paying the cost of the higher level team.
A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on August 1, of the current school year. For example, a player who is 16 on July 31, with a August 1st birthday, who turns 17 is considered eligible to play in the 16-and-under age group at NCHC events. Players may try out in a higher age group if desired. In Basketball we offer 10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, & 18u age groups. Players may play on 2 different levels/teams and would be responsible for paying the cost of the higher level team.
I/We verify that my/our child/Children comply with the NCHBC criteria for homeschooling and is eligible to participate in the NCHBC Regional and National Championships. (https://www.nchclive.com/guidelines/)
Format (MM/DD/YYYY)
Medical Conditions and Medicines: Please list all medical conditions that your child has and all medications that they are currently being prescribed. Non-disclosure of a medical condition or medication, and the Club Board becomes aware at a later date your child may be asked to leave the Club and will not be entitled to any refund. Depending on the severity of your child’s medical condition, the club may require parental attendance at all Club events that your child participates in. INCLUDE: PLAYER NAME | MEDICAL CONDITION | MEDICINE | DOSE/FREQUENCY OF MEDICINE.
As the Parent(s) and/or Legal Guardian(s) the above listed players, who are currently registered with the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats, permission is granted to the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats and its Board members, employees, agents, servants and representatives to use this student’s name, photographic likeness, alone or in a group, in any Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats publication, document, TV production, video or to release said names or likeness to any media outlets including, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines or TV stations for publicity and/or recognition purposes. Additionally, I extend permission to use this student’s name and/or photographic likeness, alone or in a group, on the official web site of the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats or other online media outlets. The official web site is owned and maintained by the Wildcats as a service to the parents and students of the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats and can be accessed and viewed at www.homeschoolwildcats.com. I release the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats, its Board members, employees, agents, servants, representatives and all organizations and individuals related to the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats from any and all liabilities or damages that result from the use of this student’s name and/or photographic likeness as described above. This permission shall remain in effect unless revoked by me and communicated to the Indianapolis Homeschool Wildcats in writing. *
Format: (MM/DD/YYYY)
The Wildcats is an all volunteer organization. We can’t operate without your help! I would be interested in helping with the following areas: (Select at least 6 options you are interested in.)
(If yes, please list their names. If no, leave blank)
Each player gets ONE free program. Any additional programs on top of that will cost $5 each. We will have you pay this at admissions the day we distribute them. Please indicate the amount of additional programs you want below.
I, as the parent or legal guardian of participant under age 18), knowingly and voluntarily enter into this release and indemnity agreement. I know and understand the meaning and effect of this document. I enter into this agreement for, and consideration of, the privilege of my child participating in activities of the Homeschool Wildcats Sports Club (hereafter " the Wildcats"). I acknowledge that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant named below and voluntarily enter this agreement with the full understanding of the inherent risks of injury. I understand that sports activities involve numerous risks of injury that are inherent. I understand and acknowledge that participation involves the risk of falling, collision, exhaustion, contact with bodily fluids, and many other injuries inherent to these activities. I understand that some hazards are foreseeable and that some are not foreseeable. I also understand that traveling to and/or from the place where my child participates entails risk of injury. I assume any and all risks of injury, death and property damage. I release the Wildcats and all persons or entities owning, controlling and/or managing the Wildcats; I release their employees, officers, agents, coaches, and assigns or any other person affiliated with the aforesaid organizations and any corporation they own in whole or in part on account of any injury or death caused by or resulting from my child's participation in the activity. I understand that by this document I am releasing from any liability all persons who may in any way have any responsibility for injuries, damage or death incurred by my child's participating in the activity. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my child's participation in this activity, I will have no right to make a claim or file a lawsuit above the insured limits of the Wildcats against any person released, even if they or any of them negligently caused such injury or damage. I expressly understand that I am assuming all risks above the insured limits of the Wildcats. I further agree that I shall not sue, present a claim against, attach property, or prosecute any person released on account of any injury, property damage or death caused by or resulting from participation in activities of the Wildcats whether or not such injury, damage or death was caused by their negligence or any other cause. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless all of the aforesaid, persons or entities, for any claim made against them by anyone by reason of my child's participation in the Wildcats for any injury to my child's person, property, or death caused by or resulting from my own child's participation in the activity whether or not such injury, damage or death was caused by their negligence or any other cause. I further agree that I shall protect and defend the persons released from any and all demands, claims, suits, damages, liability, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, interests and penalties, as a result of any claims asserted against any persons released by reason of my child's participation. Should any person or entity released or anyone acting on its behalf be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and reimburse them for such fees and costs. I understand that this is a contract and it is legally binding on me, my heirs, my estate, my assigns, my child and my personal representatives. If my child attains adult status while a participant with the Wildcats, my child will continue to be bound by this contract. I have carefully read this document. I understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain obligations, 1 am being contractually bound to certain obligations, and I enter into this contract knowingly, willingly and of my own free will. (Agreement terms June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024)
Format: (MM/DD/YYYY)
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